PRP (platelet-rich plasma) Therapy awakens your body’s healing power by using your own blood to repair tissue that has been damaged due to new or old injuries and everyday wear-and-tear. This exciting regenerative therapy is used by many professional athletes to get them back into competition faster after an injury or surgery.


Repairs Tissue in Problem Areas

The PRP proteins, called growth factors, stimulate tissue recovery with the increase of healthy blood flow into the affected tendon, joint or ligament. The patient can begin to see improvement within a few weeks as the body regenerates.


How PRP works

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The process begins with our healthcare professional drawing a patient’s blood, then rotating that blood in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma. Next, the healthcare professional injects the platelet-rich plasma into the injured area.


Superior to Cortisone

When comparing PRP to commonly prescribed cortisone injections, PRP is significantly superior. While both treatments relieve pain and decrease inflammation, PRP goes a major step further by stimulating long-term healing. The advantage of PRP is that it allows your own platelets to accelerate your own body’s natural healing process.

PRP is used to treat many conditions, including:

  • Arthritis of the shoulder, hip and knee

  • Knee injuries

  • Knee meniscus tears

  • Rotator cuff tears and injuries

  • Shoulder injuries

  • Chronic plantar fasciitis

  • Tendon, muscle, ligament injuries


This service may be covered by insurance.