Acne Scar Treatments
Acne can leave undesirable scarring, sometimes deep and very discolored. While our active acne treatments are effective at treating scarring at the same time the acne is being treated, certain cases require additional treatment. Once the acne has cleared, we provide highly effective treatments to repair the damaged skin tissue left behind by the acne.
Our effective acne scar protocols combine multiple types of treatments to produce dramatic results.
CO2 Fractional Laser for Skin Resurfacing
The CO2 fractional laser significantly diminishes acne scarring and discoloration, as well as other imperfections, on both the face and body. With this state-of-the-art technology, we are able to customize the treatment to specifically address your individual needs, based on the severity of the scarring. Non-fractional lasers, which are commonly used in the industry, do not have this important capability. The treatment works by delivering microbeams of laser light that ablate the targeted skin’s surface to repair the scars, resulting in more-even skin tone and smoother texture. Another advantage to this advanced technology is far less downtime than other lasers.
VI Peel Purify with Precision Plus for Skin Renewal
Not only is the VI Peel Purify with Precision Plus very effective at treating acne and scarring during active breakouts, it’s an equally successful treatment for scarring and pigmentation once active acne has subsided. The powerful yet gentle chemical peel promotes skin cell renewal, smooths skin texture and lightens dark pigmentation. Unlike most chemical peels, the VI Peel Purify with Precision Plus can be used on all skin types, including darker tones, and requires very minimal downtime.
Patient before receiving treatments for acne and acne scarring.
Patient after receiving VI Peel treatments.
SkinPen Microneedling for Smooth Skin
Microneedling creates microscopic punctures in the skin to stimulate the skin’s natural healing process. The minimally invasive treatment using the SkinPen Precision is clinically proven to reduce acne scars and improve the skin’s appearance. The most advanced microneedling device on the market with a patented design for safety, the SkinPen Precision is highly effective in producing a smoother and more radiant complexion.
Bellafill for Deep Acne Scar Restoration
Individuals with isolated, deep scarring may opt for a filler to smooth and add volume to the scars. Bellafill is the only FDA-approved filler to treat acne scars by lifting and smoothing the pitted scars to the level of the surrounding skin. Unlike hyaluronic fillers which often dissolve within a few months, Bellafill provides long-term results, lasting up to five years. Bellafill, which gives a natural-looking appearance, also restores the skin by stimulating collagen production.
Patient with deep acne scars after Bellafill treatment.
Get more information about our effective acne scar treatments.
Treating Active Acne
We offer effective treatments for many types of acne, including severe cases.